Expanding capabilities to include solar charging through 

Eve Connect app

And more to come…


charge points




Unraveling Alfen's

EV charging facts

Exploring our adventure in charging electric vehicles

Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

potentially saved

6,2 million

tons of CO2

Nr of minutes it takes to assemble an Eve Single

24 minutes

Robots to improve speed
and quality in production


5 base models

22 kW

3.7 kW

Range of power levels

3.7 kW – 22 kW

kWh charged
across Europe


Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

First prototype built in the garage of Hessel’s father


Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

who service units throughout Europe

35 Field
Service Partners

individuals trained
in installation &
sales consultation of
EV charging stations


R&D specialists working on the latest Alfen innovations


Discover our EV charging solutions

Want to
know more?

Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.
Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

*meaning we have sales managers in those countries

Countries with
sales presence*


Countries with
installed products


Expanding capabilities to include solar charging through 

Eve Connect app

And more to come…


Discover our EV charging solutions

Want to know more?

charge points



Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

who service units throughout Europe

35 Field
Service Partners

potentially saved

6,2 million

tons of CO2

Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

kWh charged
across Europe


R&D specialists working on the latest Alfen innovations


Range of power levels

3.7 kW – 22 kW

22 kW

3.7 kW

individuals trained
in installation &
sales consultation of EV charging stations


Nr of minutes it takes to assemble an Eve Single

24 minutes

*meaning we have sales managers in those countries

Countries with
sales presence*


robots to improve speed
and quality in production


Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.
Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

5 base models


Unraveling Alfen's

EV charging facts

Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

First prototype
built in the garage
of Hessel’s father


Exploring our adventure in charging electric vehicles

Countries with
installed products

